It’s that time of year–everyone is resolving to adopt better habits in the new year, while attempting to become much more organized. If a home refresh is on your to-do list, and you’d love it to appear larger than it is, we’ve got ideas for you!
#1 Raise the Ceilings!
Of course, actually raising the ceiling would be a major project and investment. We’ve got an even better idea: Use draperies, installed higher than your windows to add height to the room, making your space look larger instantly.
#2 Huddle the Furniture
When you have your furniture grouped together, like conversation seating, it can actually open up other areas, making a smaller space seem more open. Which leads us to the next idea…
#3 Leave Open Areas
While you consider grouping your furniture, think about which areas you can leave “open” and free of items. This concept of being able to freely move will give the illusion that you’ve gained more space. What’s a good way to leave spaces open?
#4 Minimize Your Decor
We all know that clutter increases anxiety and frustration. It can also get in the way. Minimize the decor you have sitting around, keeping your favorites and saying goodbye to other things you’ve grown beyond. Another tip? By simply keeping items off the floor, you can create a home atmosphere that seems much larger.
#5 Blend the Color Scheme
We are all for expressing yourself with the decor of your home, but it can definitely have an effect on the way your home “feels.” Using lighter colors will help make your space look larger. In addition, if you blend the colors and decor, instead of using contrasting colors, that’s another way to open up the look. Think…same colors, more textures.
#6 Choose a Wall Feature
Feature walls and other wall art can play a part in making your space look larger. Use the pattern to enlarge the look of a room. Horizontal lines can make it seem wider; vertical will add height. Large swooping movements can make it look bigger in every direction.
#7 Look in the Mirror
Have you heard that hanging mirrors in your home can make the space look larger? It’s true. Well placed mirrors can make certain areas of your home look like there’s much more room than there really is.
#8 Low Profile Window Coverings
Your windows are like art, and when that natural light comes into your home, it can enhance your mood. But, which window coverings should you get if you want to enlarge the look of a room? Low profile window treatments, with inside mount, in a color that blends in, would be best for the function of the windows. If you choose a base shade that stays nice and close to the window, but then want to layer with long, sweeping draperies, you’ll be doing double duty towards making your home feel large.
#9 Open Up the Windows
Last, but not least, open the windows! Depending on the weather, or time of day, this isn’t always possible, but when you open your windows and let in fresh air, you’ll increase the “open” vibe in your home. When you love the home you live in, your life improves greatly! Let our design experts help you get started with some of the most important aspects of a happy, healthy atmosphere in your Houston area home, like privacy, light control, comfort, energy savings & so much more. Get in touch for your FREE consultation.